Up yours, Protein World.

protein world

I hate anything that suggests you should be ashamed of the body you have. I’m all about being a HEALTHY version of you, but that is not a uniform size, shape or colour. By now, you may have seen the advertising campaign by Protein World – the weight loss collection, which has struck a chord with many women. It depicts a gorgeous girl in a bikini, with the simple tagline: ‘Are you beach body ready?’

I’m sorry but there are some among us who can never and will never look like this model. And why should we have to? To be ‘beach ready’ you just need to go to a beach. You don’t have to be a certain size or weight. Lord knows there are enough problems to worry about in the world without the stress of everybody judging your body. We are not robots and everyone looks different – the world would be so boring if that wasn’t the case! And it infuriates me and probably so many others when there is constant fat shaming and thin shaming by the media, companies such as Protein World, and even our peers.

We need to all just take a step back and STOP THE HATE. We are hard enough on ourselves and have a constant struggle against our own demons (myself included), so we don’t need anyone else to stick their oar in. There is just so much pressure nowadays to be perfect – you see celebrities crumbling under the pressure all the time. No one deserves a life like that and we shouldn’t just sit back and accept it.

That’s why I’m so happy to see that there has been a public outcry at this campaign. While we can’t change the way society works in a day, we can contribute towards getting hateful campaigns such as this one removed from our streets. If you feel as I do, you can sign the petition to remove the ‘are you beach body ready?’ advertisements here.